Friday, July 2, 2010


Tabzon -

Where is Austyn?  Where is Katherine?  Where is Brenda?  Where is Ms. Kim?  Tabzon to the rescue!

Tabzon has the possibility to be an incredibly useful tool in my professional environment.   It is an online in-out board that assists in keeping track of group member’s independent whereabouts.  This could be used in the Hockaday Residence Department exclusively for the staff or to take it one step further, with the girls.  Anytime a House Director leaves their office or floor they are asked to write an update on the whiteboard outside of the door.  I think that this tool takes the whiteboard up a notch because it is something that all the girls and other staff would have access to on their computers from anywhere.  A common question that I am asked while working is “Where is “someone”?”  I always wished there was one place I could look to find that information.    We do use a sign in/sign out logbook for the girls but to find an individuals information can be frustrating at times.  Anytime the girls leave our department they are required to sign out and provide information that includes their destination, the name and contact information of the person they are leaving with and etc.  Sometimes when the girls sign out they may scribble something down that cannot be read.  I do not see Tabzon replacing the logbook system that we have in place but I could see it working in concert with it.  While I am working I have huge responsibility of managing a floor with 25 teenaged girls. Most of the time the girls are all over the place, visiting friends, going to the mall, participating in extracurricular activities and etc. and I am required to know where each girl is located at all times.  I am confident that Tabzon would help with this task.  I tried this tool out and it is easy to register, no software downloads and has an ease of use that anyone can figure out.  Tabzon is a fantastic way to streamline the communication of a resident student’s activity in the Hockaday Residence Department.

Rhodes, M. (2010, April 22). Online In-Out Board - [Video file]. Video posted to


  1. Wow! Fantastic way to take this tool and mold it into exactly what you need. Great post!

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